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Admission Arrangements
Process for Admission
All referrals for Kent and other local authority children, are coordinated by Kent Education SEN Department. Referral papers will be forwarded by the LA to the Headteacher for consideration where parents have indicated a preference for this to be the case, or where the Local Authority independently takes the decision to consult with the school.
Parents and carers of prospective students who meet the Broomhill Bank School Admissions Criteria may visit through appointment via the main school office.
All student referrals will be subject to an Education, Health and Care Plan or Statement of Special Education Need.
Admissions Criteria
The admission of children with Statements of SEN/Education Health and Care Plans to schools is a matter for the LA which has statutory responsibility for arranging their provision. There are Local Authority admissions criteria for each Kent special school that are applied in order to determine if a particular special school would be a suitable placement for the child’s age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs.
For additional information for all Kent Special Needs School admissions please click the link below:
In addition, as part of the decision-making process, the Local Authority will consult, via the Executive Headteacher with the Governing Body of Broomhill Bank School to confirm:
That the placement is suitable for the child/young person’s age, ability, aptitude and special educational need. That the placement of the child/young person is compatible with the efficient education of others, and/or the efficient use of resources. Also, whether there are any reasonable steps that could be taken to overcome the above if this is not the case.
The named officer in the relevant Area Education Office explains the arrangements for admission to parents and carers as part of the statutory assessment process or as part of any school transition process but further advice is available directly from the Area Offices:
East Kent 03000 421160 SENEast@kent.gov.uk;
South Kent 03000 420889 SENSouth@kent.gov.uk;
West Kent 03000 420997 SENWest@kent.gov.uk;
North Kent 03000 419345 SENNorth@kent.gov.uk
Once a place at the school has been confirmed by the Local Authority, the new students and parents will be invited for an induction meeting and tour. This is the start of a comprehensive induction/transition process.
Parents have the right of appeal in situations where the Local Authority's decision goes against their wishes.